Desktop Dictation

Olympus Desktop Dictation Olympus

Olympus Desktop Dictation

Capture Your Voice Without Unwanted Noise

  • RecMic II Series combines advanced technologies in an innovative noise canceling system ideal for noisy environments
  • Intuitively positioned controls and superb ergonomics enable lightning-fast dictation and free you from unnecessary finger movements
  • Easily configurable with third party applications including web applications without having Olympus software running, and can be used as a USB Keyboard for easy control

Shop Olympus Desktop Dictation

Olympus Desktop Dictation Philips

Philips Desktop Dictation

Best-in-class recording with Precision Microphone

  • A free-floating microphone is decoupled from the device’s housing, which guarantees that almost no background noise is recorded
  • Touch sensor easily allows the user to easily control and navigate within applications while recording, without having to switch between the mouse and microphone.
  • The hygienic surface physically hinders the colonization of germs and thus improves the efficiency of the usual measures for disinfecting

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